SHRIHARI Engineering was started as a challenge to face the Industry’s demand as a professional builder of the Nation with a genuine interest in Quality of Design and Construction.

Within a short span of time we have proofed our genuine interest in the quality of workmanship and the professional way of managing it.

SHRIHARI makes sure that there’s no compromise in Architectural and structural design of each and every project. Always our consultancy mind
makes sure that it Is above just mere commercial construction approach and methods .

The past experience in Architectural and engineering field , fuels SHRIHARI in achieving excellence in quality, time and cost management of a project .

The friendly and healthy relationship with genuine interest is the key for our success to evolve as an energetic young construction company.

SHRIHARI has its own highly qualified Architects and engineers as experienced professional experts to guide and monitor the system to provide any Design solutions and to instruct the team to implement the project as per the international standards in practice.

Our powerful team of talents

SHRIHARI has established a powerful team of talents to handle any kind of construction projects with more professional values and experience as
to achieve our vision.

We don’t just concentrate on commercial construction approach,
rather expect more on Architectural and structural design values. We work hard continuously to achieve best practices and standards in the international construction industry today.

SHRIHARI demonstrates in all possible ways to make more awareness in terms of design and quality of each project.


Chief, Administration and Finance

Engineer Gowry Hariharan,...
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Consultant Architect Design & Project Manager

Archt. Hariharan Thamotharampillai...
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Consultant , Senior structural engineer

Engineer B.V.D.S.Jayanthikumara Chartered...
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Consultant , Structural engineer

Engineer Ayingaran CHARTERED...
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Senior Engineer construction and engineering

Engineer K. Karthigesu...
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General manager Contract administration

Upeksha pathberiya
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Contract administration and Projects implementation

Assistant EngineerM.Ligith
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Special work coordinator Technical officer

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Manager Materials and manpower

David Kingsley
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